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- =============================================
- Ch 5 − Input Validation and Validation Tables
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- Powerbase can apply two kinds of data input validation:
- • Character validation
- • Table validation
- 5.1 Character validation
- ----------------------------
- This means exercising control over what characters a field will accept. RISC
- OS provides the means to allow writable icons to accept only certain
- characters, or ranges of characters, and reject others. The disallowed
- characters are simply ignored so that attempts to type them have no effect.
- If you Shift/double-click on the Powerbase icon the contents of the
- application directory will be displayed. In it you will see an ordinary
- directory called Resources and inside Resources you will find a file called
- ValStrings. You are recommended not to alter this file unless you understand
- exactly what you are doing and to keep a copy of the original. Examining it
- can, however, give you an insight into the validation process. Look, for
- example, at the entry “03 Number”. This refers to field type 3 (Numeric).
- The line below is the validation string of the writable icon which makes up
- a numeric field. It looks like this:
- A0-9.+\- ;Pptr_write,4,4;KD
- The initial “A” is a command which signifies “Allow” and is the part of the
- validation string which especially concerns us. It determines what
- characters the field will allow you to type. In this case they are the
- numerals 0-9, the decimal point, plus and minus signs and <space>. Why the
- back-slash before the minus sign? Because “-” is a special character in an
- icon validation string (used, as in this example, to specify a range of
- characters) and so are the semicolon, tilde (~) and the backslash itself. To
- include any of these four characters in the validation string you must
- precede it with a backslash. The next character is a semicolon which
- indicates that a new command follows.
- The “P” which comes next is the command “pointer”. “ptr_write” is the name
- of the sprite used to represent the mouse pointer when it is over this type
- (and many other types) of field. You will have noticed that the usual RISC
- OS arrow changes to a blue vertical bar, somewhat resembling the caret, when
- over a writable field. “4,4” specifies the “active point” of the pointer.
- A couple of further examples should be sufficient. “01 Alphanumeric” uses
- the same pointer type but the characters accepted are <space> (immediately
- after the “A” for “allow”), the upper-case letters A-Z, the lower-case
- letters a-z, the numerals 0-9, some common punctuation and the “½”
- character. You might want to add to this list. “06 Calculated” uses a
- different pointer sprite (ptr_calc, which resembles a pocket calculator) and
- has no “Allow” command at all. (You can’t type into this type of field; its
- value is calculated from other fields.)
- 5.2 Validation tables
- -------------------------
- Table validation is used where a record field is only allowed to have
- certain “values”. A manufacturing company, for instance, will have a product
- code for every item it makes and a database of customers which the firm
- supplies will make use of such codes to identify the items. It is essential
- that whoever enters data is prevented from typing a spurious code. This can
- be achieved by linking the appropriate field to a validation table. Fields
- linked in this way are recognizable by having their text dark green instead
- of black. Powerbase will allow you to type invalid data into the field
- initially but, when you click the mouse over a new field or type Return, the
- linked validation table is scanned to see whether what you entered in the
- field is on the allowed list. If it isn’t Powerbase will restore the
- previous contents of the field and print an error message.
- Validation tables have other uses too. They can have extra columns
- containing other data about the products, such as a name and a brief
- description, and lists can be printed in which this more informative data
- appears instead of the codes. You can also have Powerbase replace the
- typed-in code with a longer, more readable, form immediately on entry.
- Provided the substitute data will fit in the field, replacement occurs when
- you type Return or click the mouse in another field. If the replacement is
- too long then the typed-in data will be unchanged. This can be a great
- timesaver when a lot of data has to be entered.
- The F.E. college database referred to in 2.2.5 makes extensive use of
- validation tables for subjects, courses, tutors and schools of origin. Not
- only does this trap typing errors but the data entry is greatly speeded up
- when one can type ELL instead of English Language and Literature, yet have
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- the latter printed out on a list by selecting the Expand switch in the Print
- options window.
- 5.3 Creating a validation table
- -----------------------------------
- Choose Create table from the Validation submenu. Give the table a suitable
- name and enter the number of rows required. This will be the maximum number
- of items on the allowed list. (It is possible to increase the number later
- if necessary.) Next place the caret in the first row (row 0) of the
- scrolling list and enter the width (in characters) and the heading
- (optional) for the first column of the validation table.
- If the table is to be used to constrain data entry to an allowed list one
- column may be all you need. The most common situation, however, is to have
- two columns, the first holding the allowed list and the second being an
- expansion or explanation of the former. Use the next row of the scrolling
- list to enter the column width and heading for the second table column. It
- is possible to use very large and complex validation tables with all kinds
- of data associated with each item on the allowed list. There is room to
- specify 20 columns, but even this can be increased if necessary (see 14.6).
- You can if you wish choose the foreground and background colours of both the
- heading and the body of your table by clicking repeatedly with SELECT or
- ADJUST on the Heading and Data icons. Whether this changes the foreground or
- background colour depends on which of the two radio buttons is selected.
- When you are satisfied with the data click Create and the table will be
- created and displayed. It is not saved on disc at this stage. You may enter
- data into it now or later. Entries may be freely altered and overwritten.
- The table will be saved when you close the database or quit Powerbase but,
- if you want to play safe, click Force update on the keypad.
- 5.4 Linking tables to fields
- --------------------------------
- To link your newly-created validation table to a field click MENU over the
- field and choose Link to table from the Field submenu. A pair of bump
- icons, with the usual pop-up menu alternative, lets you cycle through the
- tables in memory. When you have the name of the required table displayed
- choose the column of the table to which the field is to be linked. It is
- recommended that column 0 normally provide the link (and therefore contains
- the data items for the allowed list) and this is set by default. You may,
- however, link to any column in the table and another pair of bump icons lets
- you cycle through the column numbers.
- Select Linked to table and click on OK. You will see that the foreground
- colour of the linked field has now changed from black to green. Place the
- caret in the field and click on List values on the keypad. The validation
- table should be displayed.
- You may link a validation table to a scrollable list. The link is to a
- specified column of the list (make sure the pointer is over the required
- column when you click MENU) and, at present, only one column may be so
- linked: you can’t link two different validation tables to two columns of the
- same scrollable list.
- 5.4.1 The Replace on entry feature
- If you select this switch before linking the table a third pair of bump
- icons becomes active, allowing you to choose which column of the table will
- replace the data which you type in. In the F.E. college database referred to
- in 5.2 the short subject codes (e.g. CHE) would be in the first column and
- the longer names (e.g. Chemistry) in the second. On typing CHE <Return>
- Powerbase would replace it with Chemistry. In such cases both the entries in
- the allowed list proper and those in the replacement list are considered
- equally valid and either may be entered. You could actually type Chemistry
- if you wished, instead of just CHE, but the former would obviously take
- longer to enter and you are far more likely to make a mistake, in which case
- Powerbase would object.
- 5.4.2 When to turn off the Exact match switch
- The Exact match switch is normally selected to indicate that the only user
- inputs which will be accepted are those which exactly match an entry on the
- allowed list. Deselecting the switch allows you to type inputs which are
- longer, but not shorter, than the entries on the allowed list so long as the
- leftmost part of the input matches such an entry. The unmatched “tail” of
- your typed entry will be attached to the end of the replacement string. This
- feature is intended for use with the Replace on entry facility. Suppose your
- database records numbers of items called Widgets, Doodahs and Thingummies.
- You decide to identify these names with the codes W, D and T, put the codes
- in the first column of the table and the names in the second and select
- - 37 -
- Replace on entry. You can then type W <Return> and it will be replaced with
- Widgets. What you might want, however, is to type W7 and have it replaced
- with Widgets, 7. Deselecting Exact match allows you to do just that since
- the W in W7 matches an entry in the validation list. The “expanded” entry in
- the second column is made to read “Widgets, ” (note the comma and space) and
- Powerbase tacks the unmatched part of your entry onto the end of this so
- that W7 is replaced with Widgets, 7.
- 5.5 Displaying validation tables
- ------------------------------------
- Placing the mouse pointer over a linked record field and double-clicking
- with SELECT makes a small window pop up to the right of the field. This
- shows all the data which is on the same row of the validation table as the
- linked item. The item from the allowed list is highlighted in green and the
- item (if any) to be substituted on entry is shown in red. This feature is
- very useful if you are examining a database which uses coded data and you
- encounter a code which you haven’t seen before.
- You can also make this window appear automatically whenever the caret enters
- a linked field. To turn the feature on choose Preferences from the iconbar
- menu and select the Display linked table data switch.
- When linked to a field in the database record the complete table may be
- displayed by placing the caret in the linked field and clicking on the
- keypad button List values (F9). Alternatively, any table present in memory,
- whether linked to a data field or not, may be displayed by selecting it from
- the Display table submenu (reached from the Validation submenu).
- 5.6 The validation table menu
- ---------------------------------
- Clicking MENU over a displayed table offers a menu with entries as follows:−
- Clear removes all data from the table, leaving it blank. Since wiping out a
- table in this way is pretty drastic you will be asked to confirm the
- operation before it actually takes place. It is possible to recover the
- table using Undo all provided the table has not been closed. When you close
- a database all the validation tables in memory are written to the disc so
- you will over-write your disc copy with the blank table.
- Modify brings up the same window as you used to create the table. You may
- then increase the number of rows, add extra columns, alter the order of
- existing columns or, indeed, do anything sensible. Be careful about renaming
- columns; combining this with shuffling the columns about is apt to cause
- confusion: Powerbase isn’t a mind-reader! When you have made the required
- changes click on Modify.
- Print outputs the contents of a validation table in the same format as a
- report. The output appears in a window from which it may be saved as a text
- file (see 3.1.1).
- Sort <n> will sort the table on the nth column, that being the one the mouse
- pointer was over when you clicked MENU on the table.
- Undo change will restore the specific item which you were pointing at when
- you clicked MENU to the state it was in when the table was displayed. You
- cannot undo changes if you have closed the table then re-displayed it.
- Undo all restores the entire table to the state it was in when first
- displayed, even if Clear has been used. You cannot undo changes if you have
- closed the table then re-displayed it.
- Save leads to a Save box in which the default pathname points to a directory
- called ValTables inside the database application directory. Since that’s
- where Powerbase expects to find the tables for a database you should
- normally accept this pathname by clicking on Save or typing Return. Only if
- you are transferring tables from one database to another should you need to
- drag the icon to a filer window.
- All validation tables in memory are, in any case, saved to the ValTables
- directory when you close the database or quit Powerbase and you can also
- make this happen at any time by clicking on Force update on the keypad.
- Save as CSV leads to a Save box from which the table contents can be saved
- as a CSV file. The default pathname points to the database’s PrintJobs
- directory. The file can be loaded into a blank validation table of
- appropriate format by dropping the file onto the open table (see 8.4 for
- further details).
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- 5.7 Loading validation tables
- ---------------------------------
- A table linked to a field is automatically loaded when the database is
- opened. If not yet linked, however, the table won’t be in memory unless you
- have just created it. To load the table choose Show files from the
- Validation submenu (Ctrl Q). The contents of the ValTables directory will be
- displayed and the required tables can dragged onto the record window (or
- simply double-clicked). As each table is loaded it will be displayed.
- There may be times when you wishes to use a validation table to hold some
- data, but don’t want to use it to validate input into a field or to link it
- to a field at all. It is possible to load a validation table once the
- database is open by using the procedure described in the previous paragraph,
- but a more convenient solution is to add a “+” character to the end of the
- table’s name (the usual limit of 10 characters applies to the name length).
- Powerbase will then load it whether any field is linked to it or not.
- 5.8 Including validation table data in printouts
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Validation tables are often used to allow short codes to be entered in
- records but with a link to a more descriptive entry in another column of the
- table. If this is all that is required then always put the data which makes
- up the actual allowed list, i.e. the items which are allowed in the fields
- of the main record, into the first column of the table (column 0) and set
- the link from the record field to this column. The more detailed “expanded”
- entry should go in column 1. Printing with the Expand switch in the Print
- options window selected will then print the column 1 instead of the column
- 0 entry.
- You can also include data from other columns of a table by displaying the
- table and clicking in the required columns with ADJUST, exactly like
- selecting main record fields for printing (see 3.3). It is immaterial which
- row you click on; only the column matters and the highlighting to show which
- columns are selected always appears in the first row. The columns selected
- in all tables are saved as part of a print Selection file and may therefore
- be retrieved for future use. As well as highlighting the required columns
- you will also need to select the Expand switch as described above. Printed
- reports will then include all the data from the highlighted columns. You
- will need to use this method if you want to print columns 0 and 1 of a table
- instead of printing column 1 instead of column 0 as described in the
- previous paragraph.
- 5.9 Entering validation table data into a record
- ----------------------------------------------------
- There is one more feature of validation tables which might prove useful. If
- you place the caret in a database field and then double-click over an entry
- in an open validation table, the table entry will be copied into the data
- field, if it will fit. Nothing is copied if the item is too long to fit.
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